How to Delete Your Desire to Binge on Chocolate with the Emotion Code Juanita Ecker It’s the season of dressing up in fun costumes, jack-o-lantern carving, and most importantly, candy sharing. As individuals safely take part in Trick-or-Treating and Halloween get-togethers, candy will be the centerpiece of every activity. In fact, 90 million pounds of […]
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Month: October 2020
Reduce your Consumption of Beer or Wine with the Emotion Code
Reduce your Consumption of Beer or Wine with the Emotion Code Juanita Ecker How much alcohol do you consume? Are you a casual drinker? If so, I have two questions for you. On what occasion do you typically drink and why? I think it’s safe to say that it’s common to have drinks with friends […]
Add More Salad to Your Daily Choices with the Emotion Code
Add More Salad to Your Daily Choices with the Emotion Code Juanita Ecker I know you understand the importance of eating your fruits and vegetables. This principle has been ingrained into our minds since we were children. You know that it would be best to order a side salad instead of the macaroni and cheese, […]