These Trying Times Make Us Want to Eat

Juanita Ecker


Twenty Twenty One. It came in quickly and didn’t lose its momentum from the previous year. Covid-19, current politics, social media – all of these factors can contribute to a sense of loss of control and anxiousness. 


I’m reminded of this quote, written by a columnist of Ask Ann Landers, and it has always stayed with me. “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.” This year is already full of opportunities to be kind and passionate, and I understand that this can be difficult at times. We are also given the same opportunities to gain self-control over the way we cope with stress. This can be the year that we learn how to properly manage our emotions. This can be the year that we gain freedom from our emotional eating habits. 

“Comfort food” gets its name because it does just that. In moments of stress, we cling to the temporary increase in serotonin and dopamine that we receive from our salty, sugary treats. The anxiousness tends to subside for a short time but then it’s right back to the stress of the world. Don’t get swept into this distressing cycle. Your body and your emotional health deserve better. 

Perspective in Positivity

It’s important that we root our perspective in positivity, not only for the sake of others but for ourselves. As we shift our perspective from what we can’t control in this world to what we can control in our lives, it opens the door to so much opportunity. 

If you are asking yourself, “How do I take advantage of the opportunities in front of me to stop my emotional eating?”, here are a few success stories from some of my clients. Learn how they have managed their stress.

Client Successes

One client shared with me that before she reaches for the junk food she asks herself, “do I want this food or is my body wanting something else instead?”. At that point, she figures out what she actually wants and gives it to herself. The outcome may be taking a nap, exercising self-care, eating a healthy snack, etc. 

Another woman shared that when she has the urge to indulge, she will take a walk. When she’s done she revisits the question, “Do I still want the treat I had been craving?”. She noticed that if the answer is “Yes”,  she will typically eat less of it and she is able to stop after a reasonable portion. 

Another wonderful client shared that when she does indulge in a craving, she slows down and enjoys the experience by focusing on the taste and texture of the food. By doing this, she feels rewarded from the pleasure rather than just eating to shove down the pain.

Lastly, I recommend that you ask yourself, “What are you truly feeling?”. Acknowledge that emotion and let it move through your body. This gives you permission to feel what you are feeling, without any judgment. You will be surprised how quickly it subsides once you acknowledge its presence.

If you would like to explore how the Emotion Code can help you cope with stress, anxiousness, and ultimately emotional eating, schedule a free 20-minute strategy session today by contacting me at