Unraveling Old Wounds: How the Emotion Code Can Address Multiple Symptoms and Health Challenges

Juanita Ecker

Many people suffer from a combination of physical, emotional, and mental symptoms, finding little relief. It’s as if they’ve “tried everything” and even traditional medicine doesn’t seem to help. These individuals often feel frustrated, exhausted, and hopeless after years of searching for answers.

There is, however, another option that people may not be aware of. The Emotion Code offers a powerful alternative approach, capable of addressing these complex issues by releasing trapped emotions and past traumas that underlie their symptoms.

The Emotion Code: A Lifeline for Those with Multiple Symptoms

The Emotion Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is a healing modality designed to identify and release trapped emotions that contribute to physical and emotional pain. These trapped emotions can originate from traumatic experiences, negative beliefs, or unresolved emotional events. By releasing these emotions, the body and mind can begin to heal, often resulting in significant improvements in health and well-being.

Transforming Old Wounds and Past Traumas

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I encountered clients struggling with problematic behaviors, driven by unresolved traumas. Realizing there were no comprehensive programs to address these needs, I combined my training in EFT, Emotion Code, and Body Code to develop a protocol specifically targeting these deep-seated issues. The success of this approach led me to expand it for clients with multiple symptoms, resulting in the “Transform Old Wounds and Past Traumas” protocol.

Applying the Technique

Through my work, I discovered that unraveling past traumas is key to addressing multiple symptoms effectively. Instead of tackling one symptom at a time, this protocol allows for a more holistic approach, providing quicker and more comprehensive results.
For example, a client can come to me with chronic fatigue, depression, and severe back pain. Traditional treatments may have failed to provide relief, and the client is desperate for a solution.

Using the new protocol, we can identify and release numerous past traumas, including a potential vanishing twin experience, sexual abuse, or childhood bullying. Over several months, this client has the potential to experience significant improvements, like increased energy levels, mood stabilization, and reduced back pain.

Success Story:

My client, Lisa, had significant progress with her session after I used the Old Wounds and Past Traumas technique. During the session, we listed all of Lisa’s past protocols to start addressing for her. She asked me if we could please work on the constipation that she has had for the past couple of years with no relief. Once I energetically connected with her, I asked her body if one of her traumas was connected to the severe constipation she was experiencing. Sure enough, we discovered that this issue stemmed from an early experience of when she was repeatedly sexually abused at age 4 by her 17-year-old brother.

Once we realized the symptoms were connected to this past trauma, we were able to release the energy around what happened to her. With a combination of the Belief Code, Body Code, and Emotion Code, she had great success. “After 28 hours after our session,” her body was able to work as it had in the past and broke the cycle of constipation. “Honestly, I was stunned”, Lisa told me.

The “Transform Old Wounds and Past Traumas” protocol is an in-depth, comprehensive approach to identifying deep-seated issues. The work isn’t an overnight solution.

Clients typically commit several sessions, to peel away the layers of trauma and achieve lasting results. Some may experience significant shifts in less than a few months, while others may need more time depending on their individual history and number of traumas. It’s important to speak with an Emotion Code Professional, like me, to find the best strategy for your situation. I currently offer 20-minute complimentary strategy sessions. Reach out to schedule a time that works for you!

If you’ve struggled with chronic symptoms and traditional medicine hasn’t provided the answers, the Emotion Code and my “Transform Old Wounds and Past Traumas” protocol might be the breakthrough you’ve been seeking. By addressing the root causes of your symptoms, you can experience lasting relief and reclaim your health and happiness.

⭐ For practitioners looking to expand their toolkit, this protocol offers an effective, compassionate approach to helping clients heal deeply and comprehensively. Learn more about how you can incorporate this with your own clients: Acess a free introduction the protocol here!

Reach out today to start your journey! Whether you’re a client seeking relief or a practitioner aiming to enhance your practice, the path to transformation is within reach.