Diminish Fear of Failure with EFT Tapping

By Juanita Ecker

Have you ever been afraid to fail?   Have you ever resisted taking action because you were afraid it wouldn’t work out?  Have you ever let your doubts stop you from doing something you really wanted to do? Fear of failure is common; it is a challenge that many of us deal with in the workplace.

Negative emotions typically underlie any resistance to taking action.  People are afraid of taking action because they don’t want to fail. The fear of failure is so strong; it deactivates the desire for success. Steve Wells, a psychologist and peak performance consultant, sums up the fear of failure, “People are strongly influenced by how they feel and whether they perceive that certain actions, certain goals, certain directions and certain changes will lead them to feel good or feel bad. If they feel bad or expect they will feel bad as a result of the change, there is a conflict.” This quote is from his chapter, Cultivating Peak Performance in Business, in the book, “Clinical EFT Handbook, Volume 2.”

Successful entrepreneurs and professional athletes tend to view failure as part of the journey to getting where they want to go. They don’t see failure as a reason to stop.  This was evident in the 2018 World Series with the Boston Red Socks and the Los Angeles Dodgers.  These amazing athletes are not afraid to fail. There can be two strikes and two outs, yet they swing as if the next one will be a home run.

When you look at the batting average of the really good baseball players it is typically 0.250. This means the player gets a hit one out of every four times he comes to bat. It also means that the other three times he comes up to bat he does not get a hit. He fails! These athletes have learned to reject a fear of failure because they remain focused on the success they want.

Can you imagine if one of the players gave an interview after the game and said, “I didn’t try to jump the wall to catch the fly-ball because I was afraid I would miss it and look bad to my teammates?” We would all laugh and this athlete’s career as a professional baseball player would be in jeopardy.  Even though we might laugh at that scenario, we do the same thing to ourselves. Our fears stop us from moving forward.

Fear shows up as resistance and doubts. Often one part of you wants to take action but another part of you wants to do something different.  Maybe you procrastinate and then feel bad when you don’t take the action you needed to take. Maybe you dislike the action you have to take so you justify your excuses. Maybe you are worried what others will think if you get what you want so you delay doing what you need to do. Maybe you have a block to seeing yourself as a success so you convince yourself you are comfortable where you are. Maybe you have a fear of making the wrong decision or taking the wrong action so you remain stuck.  Whatever the fear is, you need to learn to manage those negative emotions or you will never move forward.

Most people assume that managing the negative emotions means shoving them down into their bodies and forgetting about them; they have the attitude I’ve taken care of it. Unfortunately, those unresolved emotions are still affecting you, even if it is on an unconscious level.

EFT tapping is a tool to help you manage the negative emotions that are stopping you from taking action.   The tapping allows you to process the negative emotions that are triggered by the negative beliefs.   After a few sessions, you will begin to notice some positive changes. Your resistance to taking action starts to dwindle, the fears or doubts that were holding you back begin to subside and the belief that you can do it becomes stronger and stronger.

What is preventing you from taking action right now?  If it’s a fear of failure, EFT tapping can help.


To learn more how EFT Tapping can work for you, contact Juanita at  image3@nycap.rr.comto schedule your free 20 minute strategy session.